Our stop in Gettysburg was very neat! I was amazed at all the monuments, rocks and rock walls that are still there after all these years! There was so much to see, that we didn't get to see it all by any means. I guess that means that we will just have to go back next time we are this direction!
Getting to Gettysburg from where we had lunch was an interesting trip. We went up and over mountains! They were beautiful and scary to drive over all at the same time! The homes seemed to be crooked because of the mountains that they were built on. This was such a site for me! We saw quite a few houses that were very old and looked like they were made from rocks alone. These are such neat things for me. We went through a lot of small towns. I forgot that my phone had a camera until we were close to arriving in Gettysburg. So I missed a lot of beautiful camera shots on the way there.

Once we got to Gettysburg, we drove the Auto Tour. We could not find the channel to listen to the story, of course if we had listened to it we most likely would still be there! We just followed the signs and got out here and there to take pictures and walk around. Tate really knows a lot! I know that he is a History buff and teacher, but man! I know that he was in "Heaven" just telling me about the different things. I took a lot of pictures of the different signs and monuments. This picture is of the Eternal Light Peace Memorial. On the front of the memorial is engraved "PEACE ETERNAL IN A NATION UNITED". On the sides of the flame these are engraved on the East " WITH FIRMNESS IN THE RIGHT AS GOD GIVES US TO SEE THE RIGHT" - Lincoln; and on the West "AN ENDURING LIGHT TO GUIDE US ON UNITY AND FELLOWSHIP." Around the monument were different kinds of canons- Rifle and Napoleon.

The amount of rocks on the battle fields were just amazing! I guess now we would call them boulders. One of the formations that we stopped at was "Big Round Top." These were amazing! Tate and I walked up the hill to them through underbrush and mud! Tate tells me that these were a great position for protection for the North in battle, and I can see why! You could hide behind them.

What was also interesting to me was all the rock walls that were still in place from the battle that were built for protection. Here is a sign that we had parked near when we walked up to the monuments at "Little Round Top." The sign says, "THIS WALL WAS BUILT FOR DEFENSE JULY 3RD P.M. 1863." The wall runs between the trees on the left side of the picture. These walls were everywhere!

From the top of "Little Round Top" was just amazing you could see every thing! The picture here is from the top looking down on to the field....it is just covered with large rocks. The terrain that these men fought on was just terrible. They fought over mountains, fields, and forests on horse back and on foot.
It is getting late, so I will have to write more about this part of our trip later!
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