Today is Tate's birthday, he is turning 36. He is one of the best men that I know. Not only is he a great husband, he is a great father.
He has always done what was needed. At times that meant working 2 jobs, and not seeing his family for long period of time- home to change and then out the door again. We have made it through those times.
He works so that I can stay home for the kids. He is working on his Master's in Education- Special Education. He also has started a Master's in Social Work. He started the later first and when he started working at SBCSC he changed over to the Education Department....I have told him that he will finish the Social Work Degree too, and he has not objected. If he had been able to finish the Social Work program he would have graduated last Spring. He will finish his current line of study next Spring (at least I think that is when it will be done).
In the last month or so he has applied for 2 head football coaching positions at 2 of the local High Schools. I am hoping that one of them works out. I know that he would make an awesome Head Coach at this level. Both of the programs need a good man in this position. He is currently the head football coach at the Intermediate level, and has a program that is what I would say respectable- he does not put the kids down like other coaches that I have heard.
So, Dear Tate, I am proud to be your wife, even though I may not always show it...I love you, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
That is great about the coaching positions! Good luck and hope you had a great birthday Tate!