I feel that I need to tell you about a friend that I am privileged to know and am getting to know better every week....Melissa.
Melissa is a MOM of 7 wonderful kids that I am loving more every week as the whole family has been joining us for a potluck dinner for the last 2 weeks and will be for the next 4 more Sundays. She is also married to an Ed. I just asked Tate to help me to find a good descriptive word for him, but there is not just one good one. Tate said, "he is just Ed." These two have wonderful children.
I met Melissa when their house caught fire. Now, before this I had never really gone out of my comfort box and just gone up to someone that I didn't know and say, "If you need anything let me know. What size clothes do your girls wear?" I ended up on a mission that God gave me to find them all sorts of items to fill a new home with. What a blessing that God gave me this task- and not only that- but a great friend and wonderful family that I am honored to know. We are even planning on doing some pre-school with our youngest kids that are not in school yet!
Now for these kids (because this is why I am amazed by this woman).
Lena is her oldest she is going into 7th grade this year and is a wonderful big sister, she takes great care of her siblings in every way, and loves them (at least this is what I see). I am looking forward to getting to know Lena better as the weeks go on.
Allison, she is the artist and music person. I had the honor of having a little "concert" performed for me last week when I had gone to drop off a pair of shoes that were left at our house. She has this list of songs that she can sing! There has to be at least 100 songs on this list. I was amazed! She is a talented artist too. Last week when they were here I gave her one of my sketch books, she had already drawn a picture and made sure that I had a look as soon as she knew I was there! She is an awesome kid!
Edwin- now here is definitely where I become amazed. Edwin is Autistic. Not that this should scare anyone, yes, I have been shot at with the finger gun. Maybe I should be worried but, I am not. I just let him know that we don't do that here and that he needs to put them away....and he does. I find that he is respectful. Today he went swimming in our pool....what fun he had! I find that he is pretty normal to a point....of course I don't know many Autistic children, but he is one that I am finding fun to get to know. I know that Melissa is reading this and getting a real kick out of my view of her family, but this what I know when it comes to Edwin- I will not be scared away!
Olivia is next in the line up. Tonight we discovered that she had cut her bangs! So, I took her into the bathroom and fixed them for her. They were not too bad - but you could tell that she had taken scissors to them. She is kinda the quiet one. She is another one that I want to get to know more, she heads to the basement when she is here or outside with the other kids, so she doesn't hang around the adults too much. She would be the middle child, so I guess she is learning to do for herself.
Tobey Jude.....what can I say about him....he likes to flush my toilet and open my fridge to see what is in there! He is also the "Monkey" of the bunch. He bounces all around on the couch, and gets into the plants. And then there is his lovable side, tonight I was at the table getting some things ready and he was standing by my side touching my arm very gently. He is also Autistic. But totally different from his brother, as you can tell by what I have just written. He is also the one that you have to keep a good eye on. I have been told that he likes to run! I have not experienced this side of him yet, but I know that I will! We are going to be planning a park trip for one of our potluck nights.
Emily and Melody are the two youngest. I am lumping them together here because really, they are almost like one, that is at least when they are here. I will be getting the honor of getting to know the two of them better starting in August. I will be watching them on Fridays so that Melissa and Ed can get some much needed "Mommy/Daddy Time"! I am glad that I can do this for them. So, I will just have to get to know them better and tell you more about them as I go.
Ed! Now this is one heck of a guy! Tonight we decided that he is now the Dog Whisperer. Chloe got out tonight while they were leaving and her got her. It was neat to watch him. Not only can he catch a dog, but all the kids love him. I have been honored to watch him interact with the kids at Church and in my home. Tonight he sat at the table and 2 of the other girls were sitting next to him just playing and talking. Man, you are awesome! And I am amazed by you!
Now, if I have interested you in learning more about my friend, her family and daily life, I encourage you to read her blog!